Author: wearespine


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Egal ob du nach einem stilvollen Date suchst oder nur ein schnelles erotisches Abenteuer erleben möchtest, stellt dir die perfekte Escort dafür bereit! Seit über 10 Jahren sind wir die größte Community im deutschsprachigen Raum für erotische Kontakte und Sexkontakte. bietet die umfangreichste Sammlung von Sexanzeigen in Deutschland. Als führendes Erotikportal Deutschlands präsentiert es sich durch eine Vielzahl von großartigen Funktionen und Optionen aus, die für moderne Geräte optimiert sind. Mit über 12.000 Anzeigen auf allen verzeichnen wir monatlich jährlich mehr als 10 Millionen Besucher und wachsen stetig. Damit garantieren wir die größte Auswahl an Hostessen, Transsexuellen, Bordellen, FKK-Clubs, Escortservices, Bizarr- und Erotikmassage-Anzeigen im gesamten Bundesgebiet. Deine Erotikanzeige erhält hier garantiert die Aufmerksamkeit, die sie verdient, und unsere Vielfalt sichert jedem Besucher ein Erlebnis nach seinem Geschmack.

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Escorts buchen: So klappt es

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Flea Collar For Kittens Flea Collar

Leave behind bothersome unwanted organisms with the choice of normal flea and tick collars and tags for dogs. Besides our well-known Only All-natural Pet flea and tick collars and tags, we also bring many different merchandise from respected brands like TropiClean and All-natural Animal. Our all-all-natural flea and tick collars and tags for dogs try to repel and killticks and fleas, along with other biting bugs without having to use dangerous substances or inorganic pesticides. So, if you’re looking for a safe and effective way to protect your dog from parasites, our flea and tick collars and tags are an excellent choice.

For Dogs & Puppies of all age

Fleas and ticks do more than just mouthful. They may also send out illnesses which can be dangerous and even deadly for pets. Seresto flea and tick management collar protects your dog for as much as 8 a few months in a single application. The flea collar produces its energetic substances at a slow and steady price which can kill ticks and fleas for about 8 several weeks. No medication essential. Seresto Collars have already been created using a unique polymer matrix of two lively things that operate in synergy to concentrate on all fleas, ticks and lice.

Dog Flea & Tick Collars

Over a duration of 8 a few months these active components are unveiled in very low levels and ingested by your pet’s hair and skin, which can be then dispersed within the entire body work surface to offer lengthy-long lasting defense. Each of the elements are secured to the Seresto Collars and because they are released such reduced amounts, are completely harmless for both you and your pet.


Seresto Collars have already been made to be as simple as possible to fit to your dog or feline to give fast defense the instant you need it. Merely eliminate the collar by reviewing the packing, meticulously cover it around your pet’s the neck and throat and drive the flea collars for cats leading conclusion from the loop. When fitted tighten up as essential till only two fingertips match involving the neck and collar, then trim any additional. This ensures that the collar is not too tight, but also won’t let it be removed over your pet’s head.

Collar Soaked in very successful organic mix, compounded from 15 important oils of trees and vegetation that have designed the most efficient shield system that character has established against hazardous pests. For management of puppies and dogs (no grow older restrict) which are in atmosphere infected with ticks and fleas .The Seresto® collar for puppies eliminates fleas as well as repels and kills ticks by way of easy speak to, which implies they don’t must nibble your dog just before they tumble off and die. You are able to put Seresto® on and simply know that your dog is properly protected. Seresto® is really a collar like not any other! It functions by issuing its active elements in operated, very low doses, allowing your dog to be shielded for eight weeks at the same time. Odourless, normal water-resilient and powerful against the two fleas and ticks, the Seresto® dog collar may be the basic, easy way to maintain other people you know safeguarded for prolonged.

The Seresto Flea & Tick Collar For Puppies is actually a water-tolerant collar that contain the active component dimpylate, to get rid of fleas and ticks in your dog preventing their return for as much as four weeks. It may take several days for the active ingredient to spread throughout the entire coat, though the collar is 65cm long and can be adjusted to fit most dogs.The collar will start to work almost immediately.

95Percent in the flea’s daily life routine is in the residence. When dealing with a flea dilemma, along with treating your family pet, always employ a family insecticide, like Seresto FLEAtec Family Flea Spray or Seresto Family Flea Fogger for your residence. The flea collar can become successful from the time it is actually fixed to the dog. It will get rid of fleas quickly, even so it could take a few days to the active component to spread throughout the whole jacket. Once fitted, the collars are designed to protect against fleas for about 4 several weeks. The perception of how good the collar is operating depends with the degree of flea infestation inside the family. In the home environment, although fleas spend most of their life-cycle not on the pet. Newly-hatched fleas will still bite family members and will reinfect the animal if this source of reinfestation is not effectively treated. Consumers will need to use a very good house flea mist, such as Beaphar Defest or Beaphar Added Longer Lasting House Flea Apply, to help remedy carpets and rugs and delicate furniture in every rooms that the dog has accessibility as well.


What is Seresto?

Seresto is definitely an progressive collar that shields your dog from fleas and ticks for seven weeks. Because of this you do not have to worry about much more regular applications of flea and tick therapies, and there is no probability of forgetting to do so.

Why is Seresto distinctive from other flea and tick collars?

Innovative technological innovation permits the collar to release low, safe amounts of its active substances around extended periods of time. These are typically transferred to your dog’s fur and skin, and spread across their whole entire body to keep them resistant to ticks and fleas for as much as 8 months.

Exactly what are the productive components in Seresto?

There are 2: imidacloprid, which gets rid of mature fleas and flea larvae; and flumethrin, which repels and will kill all life levels of ticks. Each substances respond on get in touch with without having to chew.

Why am I still visiting a flea on my small dog when they’re wearing a Seresto collar?

Fleas can still jump onto your dog whenever they go past them, even they’re using a Seresto collar. The active elements work with contact, meaning the fleas have to grab into the fur to obtain open to the active component. The fleas will become disorientated before falling and dying off, once they have jumped on. You might therefore sometimes also see fleas moving little by little or ticks tangled within your dog’s hair.

My dog has begun biting the collar, should I be anxious?

They are not released or absorbed when the collar gets chewed, although mild gastrointestinal signs may be seen, as the vast majority of active ingredients are bound in the collar matrix and not on the surface. Nevertheless, you should avoid chewing, and if your dog manages to get their own collar into their mouth it’s likely that it is applied too loosely. Preferably two hands and fingers suit, placed flat between your collar plus your dog’s the neck and throat.

Is Seresto harmless for puppies?

It’s harmless to use on young puppies older 7 weeks and old.

Do I Need To depart a gap involving removing an old collar and using a fresh one?

No. It’s important to place it on with no wait to ensure a ongoing defense of your respective dog.

My Seresto collar does not odor at all. Accomplishes this suggest it is no longer working appropriately?

Certainly not. Seresto is odourless, therefore you don’t ought to tolerate any one of the distressing scents you typically connect with more mature flea and tick collars.

Other flea and tick collars call for extending to initialize them. Should I should do this for Seresto?

No. Stretches the collar for activation is not required. Once employed, the productive substances in Seresto are easily distributed throughout the whole body surface to guard your furry friend.

Can the Seresto collar be utilized alongside regular collars?

Totally. Seresto might be used together with your dog’s typical collar without losing efficacy, provided that the Seresto collar is in touch with your hair and skin.

My dog is itching at the collar, triggering inflammation and discomfort. What can i do?

If your dog isn’t used to wearing a collar, there is a chance that they might develop mild reactions such as itching, redness and hair loss. These signs and symptoms normally disappear inside one or two months, without eliminating the collar, as the dog will get accustomed to wearing it. Occasionally, momentary collar elimination might be recommended until the symptoms have disappeared. In unusual situations in canines, program internet site side effects including dermatitis, swelling, eczema or lesions may possibly take place and in these instances, collar eradication is required. If the symptoms persist or become more severe, please consult your vet.

If the collar gets dirty, What should I do? Will a muddy collar nevertheless maintain my dog protected against fleas and ticks?

We have been unaware of mud owning an effect on the release in the productive substances in Seresto thus its efficiency. If the collar does get dirty, you can simply wipe it down with a moist cloth.

May I secure a leash or even a nametag to my Seresto collar?

Seresto has not been specifically tested with such items, so we do not recommend attaching accessories to your dog’s Seresto collar, especially if such accessories cover the collar’s surface.

Is Seresto dog collar h2o-resilient? If my dog gets wet, do I need to remove the collar?

Seresto does not have to be taken out each time a dog gets damp or possibly is bathed. The active substances are included in the collar matrix and will not be unveiled into water. They spread through the lipid layer of the dog’s hair and skin and even if this lipid layer is partially washed off by bathing, Seresto will quickly replenish the active ingredients and the pet will be protected again.

However, prolonged and repeated being exposed to normal water or considerable shampooing ought to be averted as being the duration of exercise could be reduced.

The frequency of which can I let my dog swim when you use a Seresto Collar?

Seresto is normal water-resilient. It remains to be efficient adhering to fishing, utilizing a mild shampoo with no-soap ingredients, or exposure to rainwater or sunlight. There is no must take away the collar for fishing. Less than typical conditions, i.e. under a single bathtub monthly, it’s efficient for up to 8 a few months; for pet dogs that go swimming or bathe frequently, the time period of action could be reduced.

What happens if my dog gets its collar stuck on something?

Both small and large Seresto dog collars feature a ratchet relieve security process. So in the unlikely event of your dog being trapped, the collar will widen when they give it a hard pull, allowing for a quick release. The little dog collar has yet another protection device because it is moreover built with a predetermined busting point, so a tougher draw will crack it.

How often must i examine the match from the Seresto® collar with a expanding pup?

Puppies grow at different rates and we recommend frequent checks of the collar and readjustment if necessary.

How must i dump a Seresto dog collar?

Applied collars or any remains should be wrapped in paper and positioned in junk. This product must not key in h2o programs.

Why does Seresto possess a white-colored natural powder at first glance, when taken from the pouch?

The bright white natural powder is brought on by stearic acid, a relieve broker utilized in the development method to make it easier to release the collar from the mold.

Stearic acidity is safe and also rated to use in a few food items. The white powder normally disappears within a few days after application of the collar to your animal but if you prefer, you can simply wipe it off with a cloth.

May I eliminate the collar for a few a few months and reapply it once again in the future? Could it nonetheless work?

This process of program hasn’t been tested and it may well have an impact on the amount of protection your dog obtains. To find the best flea and tick defense, Seresto needs to be employed all year round. If you’ve removed the collar only temporarily (e.g. during grooming), you can reapply it without any problems.


sp5der 555 Hoodies for Couples Match Your Style with Your Partner

The sp5der 555 Hoodie for Couples is designed to help you and your partner match your style while staying up to date on the latest fashion trends. Whether you’re looking for a more subtle look or something a bit bolder, these Hoodies can help you find the perfect look for any occasion. They come in four different color combinations – grey and black, blue and white, pink and purple, and grey and red – so that each couple can choose a color combination that suits them best. The hoodies are made of soft, lightweight cotton fabric which is both breathable and comfortable. With an adjustable drawstring hoodie closure, it’s easy to ensure the perfect fit for ever-changing weather conditions. Not only are they stylish but practical too – they feature two large side pockets with zipper closures for securely storing valuables while on the go. So flow through the city with confidence knowing that not only do you have your partner by your side but your sp5der 555 Hoodie too!

Introduction to sp5der 555 Hoodies for Couples

When it comes to matching outfits with your partner, sp5der 555 Hoodies for Couples are the perfect choice. These hoodies are not only stylish but also allow you to showcase your love and connection with your significant other. Whether you’re going out for a casual day or attending a special event together, these hoodies will make you Spider Worldwide Punk Hoodie stand out as a couple.

The sp5der 555 Hoodies for Couples are designed with attention to detail, ensuring that both you and your partner will look fashionable and coordinated. The hoodies come in a variety of colors and designs, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your personal style. From vibrant and eye-catching patterns to subtle and elegant designs, there is something for everyone.

One of the best aspects of these hoodies is their high-quality material. Made from premium fabrics, they are not only comfortable to wear but also durable, ensuring that they will last for a long time. The soft and cozy interior lining will keep you warm during colder days while still maintaining a fashionable appearance.

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply want to show off your love, the sp5der 555 Hoodies for Couples are a fantastic choice. These hoodies are not only a fashion statement but also a symbol of your bond and unity as a couple. They are perfect for couples who want to express their love and share their style with the world.

So why wait? Get your hands on the sp5der 555 Hoodies for Couples and let your outfits do the talking. Match your style with your partner and make a statement wherever you go. With these hoodies, you’ll not only look great but also feel connected and in sync with your loved one.

riefly introduce the brand and the concept of matching hoodies for couples

Sp5der 555 is a trendy clothing brand that specializes in creating matching hoodies for couples. The brand understands the importance of expressing love and unity through fashion, and their matching hoodies are the perfect way to do just that.

The concept of matching hoodies for couples is simple yet powerful. It allows couples to showcase their bond and connection by wearing complementary outfits. Whether you’re going out for a casual date or simply spending a cozy night in, these hoodies add a touch of playfulness and romance to your relationship.

Sp5der 555 offers a wide range of designs and styles to choose from, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. From cute and adorable prints to bold and edgy designs, you and your partner can find the perfect matching hoodies that reflect your unique personalities and style.

Not only do these hoodies make a fashion statement, but they also serve as a reminder of the love and commitment you share with your partner. It’s a fun and fashionable way to celebrate your relationship and create lasting memories together.

So, if you’re looking to add a touch of excitement and togetherness to your wardrobe, check out Sp5der 555’s collection of matching hoodies for couples. With their high-quality materials and attention to detail, you can be sure to find the perfect hoodies that will keep you and your partner stylishly connected.

ighlight the importance of style and coordination for couples

Style and coordination are essential elements in any relationship, and what better way to showcase your connection than with matching hoodies from the sp5der 555 collection? These hoodies not only keep you warm and cozy, but they also allow you and your partner to express your unique style while highlighting your unity as a couple.

Coordinating your outfits with your significant other can create a strong visual statement and show the world that you are a team. When you and your partner dress in sync, it not only reflects your compatibility but also demonstrates your commitment to each other.

Matching hoodies offer a fun and trendy way to display your love and connection. Whether you opt for identical designs or complementary patterns, these hoodies allow you to stand out as a stylish couple. By wearing them together, you become a walking symbol of your love and shared interests.

Furthermore, coordinating your style with your partner can strengthen your bond. It shows that you are willing to put effort into your relationship and that you value the small gestures that bring you closer together. When you both put on your matching sp5der 555 hoodies, you create a sense of unity and belonging that can deepen your emotional connection.

Not only do these hoodies make a fashion statement, but they also serve as a reminder of your shared experiences and memories. Every time you wear them, you’ll be reminded of the moments you spent together, whether it’s a cozy night in, a romantic date, or a fun adventure. These hoodies become a symbol of your journey as a couple, a testament to the love and joy you share.

In conclusion, style and coordination are crucial for couples, as they allow you to express your unity and commitment. Matching hoodies from the sp5der 555 collection offer a trendy and fashionable way to showcase your love and connection. By wearing these hoodies together, you not only create a visual statement but also strengthen your bond and create lasting memories. So why not elevate your couple style and make a statement with sp5der 555 hoodies?


Can I enroll in your courses if I have a busy schedule and can only dedicate a few hours per week

Yes, you can still enroll in our courses even if you have a busy schedule and can only dedicate a few hours per week. Many online courses are designed to be flexible and cater to individuals with busy schedules. You can typically access course materials and complete assignments at your own pace, allowing you to fit your study time around your other commitments. Additionally, some online courses offer extended time frames for completion, so you can take longer to finish the course if needed. It’s important to check the specific details and requirements of each course you are interested in to ensure it aligns with your schedule and availability.

Introduction: Addressing the concern of potential students with busy schedules

We understand that many potential students have busy schedules and can only dedicate a few hours per week to their studies. At [Name of institution], we believe in making education accessible to everyone, regardless of their time constraints.

We have designed our courses with flexibility in mind. Our online platform allows you to access course materials, lectures, and assignments at any time, from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This means that you can fit your studies around your existing commitments, whether it’s work, family, or other responsibilities.

Additionally, we offer self-paced learning options, where you can progress through the course at your own speed. This means that you are not bound by strict deadlines and can allocate your limited study time according to your convenience. You can dedicate a few hours on weekends, early mornings, or late evenings, whichever works best for you.

We understand that life can be unpredictable, and sometimes even the best-laid plans can go awry. That’s why we provide a flexible schedule that accommodates unexpected events or emergencies. You can pause your studies temporarily and then resume when you have the time and energy to focus.

Furthermore, our support team is always available to assist you. If you have any questions or need guidance, you can reach out to our dedicated support staff who will provide prompt responses and help you stay on track.

So, if you have a busy schedule and can only dedicate a few hours per week, don’t worry! At [Name of institution], we prioritize your success and strive to make our courses accessible to all. We believe that with determination and the right support, you can achieve your educational goals, no matter how limited your study time may be.

Flexibility in course enrollment: Explain the availability of self-paced or part-time courses

Yes, absolutely! We understand that many individuals have busy schedules and cannot commit to a full-time course. That’s why we offer flexible options for enrollment to accommodate different lifestyles and time commitments.

One option is our self-paced courses. With self-paced courses, you have the freedom to learn at your own speed and set your own schedule. You can access the course material at any time and study whenever it is convenient for you, whether that’s early in the morning, late at night, or on weekends. This allows you to fit your studies around your existing commitments, making it easier to balance your personal and professional life.

Additionally, we offer part-time courses for those who can dedicate a few hours per week to their studies. These courses are designed to be more flexible and less intense than full-time programs, allowing you to learn while still managing your other responsibilities. With part-time courses, you’ll typically have set class times or weekly assignments, but they are structured in a way that accommodates individuals with limited availability.

Both self-paced and part-time courses give you the opportunity to pursue your educational goals without feeling overwhelmed or restricted by a rigid schedule. By choosing these options, you’ll have the flexibility to customize your learning experience to fit your specific needs, ensuring that you can succeed in your studies while still managing your busy schedule.

Importance of time management: Provide tips for effectively managing a busy schedule while studying

Managing a busy schedule while studying can be challenging, but with effective time management, it is definitely possible to enroll in courses and succeed. Here are some important tips to help you make the most of your limited study time:

1. Prioritize your tasks: Start by identifying your most important tasks and assignments. Focus on those that have upcoming deadlines or require more time and effort. By prioritizing, you ensure that you address the most crucial aspects of your studies first.

2. Create a schedule: Set aside dedicated time slots for studying and stick to them as much as possible. Having a set schedule helps create a routine and trains your mind to focus during those designated study periods.

3. Break it down: Break large tasks or assignments into smaller, manageable chunks. This allows you to tackle them gradually, making it less overwhelming. Allocate specific time frames for each smaller task, ensuring that you are making progress consistently.

4. Utilize small pockets of time: Look for those little pockets of downtime in your busy schedule, such as while waiting for an appointment or during your daily commute. Use these moments to review notes, listen to audio lectures, or complete quick quizzes. Every little bit of studying counts and can add up over time.

5. Eliminate distractions: Identify and eliminate any distractions that may hinder your study progress. This could include turning off notifications on your phone, finding a quiet study space, or using website blockers to reduce the temptation to surf the internet.

6. Take care of yourself: It’s essential to prioritize self-care while managing a busy schedule. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. When you take care of your physical and mental well-being, you will be more productive and focused during your study sessions.

7. Seek support: Don’t be afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks if possible. Reach out to family, friends, or colleagues to see if they can support you with some of your responsibilities to free up more study time.

8. Stay organized: Keep your study materials, assignment deadlines, and important documents well-organized. Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, or productivity apps to help you stay on top of your tasks and deadlines.

Remember, while dedicating only a few hours per week may require more discipline and focus, it is still possible to successfully complete your courses. By effectively managing your time, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, you can make progress towards your educational goals while managing your busy schedule.


Top Spine Surgeons in Mumbai

Top Spine Surgeon in Mumbai
Top Spine Surgeons in Mumbai

Top Spine Surgeons in Mumbai : Personalised Care for Optimal Spinal Health and Wellness

top spine surgeon in mumbai

As Mumbai’s leading healthcare provider for spine-related issues, We Are Spine is dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal spinal health and wellness. Our team of top spine surgeons in Mumbai comprises highly skilled and experienced professionals committed to delivering the best care for all spinal conditions.

At We Are Spine, we understand that spinal problems can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life, and we strive to provide personalised treatment options that address each patient’s unique needs. Our team utilises the latest advancements in spine surgery and non-surgical techniques to provide the most effective treatment options for herniated discs, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, and more.

top spine surgeon in mumbai

We take pride in our patient-centric approach to care, which involves a thorough evaluation and diagnosis process to identify the underlying cause of each patient’s condition. This enables us to develop a customised treatment plan tailored to each patient’s individual needs.

As the top spine surgeons in Mumbai, we are committed to ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality of care in a comfortable and compassionate environment. Whether you require surgery or non-surgical treatment, our team at We Are Spine is dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your spinal condition.

If you are looking for the best spine surgeons in Mumbai, look no further than We Are Spine. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our expert spine surgeons and take the first step towards achieving optimal spinal health and wellness.

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj

Spine Surgeon

Dr Shekhar Bhojraj

Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj is the first spine surgeon who is specialised and dedicated in India. The first surgeon and doctor in India who made the decision to devote himself to spinal care and led to the creation of the super-specialty in which doctors have adhered to and practised.After having graduated from Mumbai’s KEM Medical College, he worked as an orthopaedic doctor. The growing curiosity about the expanding area of spine care led him to travel to different countries to find out more information about it. In the end He decided to concentrate on the spine , and set out to set India’s first spine clinic in KEM Hospital. The spine unit was performing fantastic work, however it was in need of more resources for the development of research.

Because the facility was funded with the help of the state, it had restrictions. Therefore, when he got an invitation by Hinduja Hospital to set up an exclusive spine department within their facility doctor. Shekhar Bhojraj saw it as a chance to gain more funds to fund research into the spine. Hinduja was India’s first hospital owned privately to host an ultra-specialty within India.

However the doctor Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj was not content with catering only to the wealthy and was determined to provide the same services to those who are less fortunate and the less fortunate. This was the beginning of the Spine Foundation with an aim for affordable healthcare that is affordable for everyone.

Dr. Abhay Nene

Spine Surgeon

Dr Abhay Nene

Dr. Abhay Nene, a graduate from TN Medical College, graduated as medical doctor in 1995. He then completed his postgraduate education on Orthopaedic surgery in the year 1998 at Mumbai University. His primary training within the specialisation of Spine Surgery was in Mumbai through the Spine Foundation, with Dr. Bhojraj as the chief trainer, as of 1999.

He also visited several locations around the globe, which included Singapore, USA, UK and Germany He was also given multiple fellowships internationally in his time as a spine fellow. Professor. Nene was awarded the Asia Pacific Educator of the Year 2017-18′ by AO Board of Spine International. He is currently the AO Asia Pacific Chair Elect for the 2022-2025 period.

He currently works as a spine surgeon at several hospital systems in Mumbai. His special areas of interest include paediatric spinal deformity tuberculosis, reconstruction of spinal tumors and the osteoporotic spinal.

Dr Abhay Nene

Dr. Sheetal Mohite

Spine Surgeon

Dr Sheetal Mohite

Dr. Sheetal Mohite completed his basic medical schooling through Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune University in 1995. Following his medical training, he decided to study orthopaedics. He earned the Diploma in Orthopaedics in the Pravara Rural Medical College, Loni, Pune University in 1998. He is also an official of the National Board, New Delhi in the area of Orthopaedics.

Dr. Mohite also holds spine-related fellowships at Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital, Oswestry and at University Hospital, Cardiff and as well in Stanmore located in The United Kingdom. Dr. Mohite also received training at the Advanced Trauma Centre, Leipzig, Germany. He was selected for his participation in the Global Outreach Fellowship program for the Scoliosis Research Society meeting in Miami, USA in 2005.

Under the guidance of The Dr. Richard Fessler, he also was exposed to Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery at Rush Medical Center, Chicago, USA.

He is currently a an expert consultant in the field of Spine Surgery for Shushrusha Citizens’ Cooperative Hospital (Dadar Vikhroli), Mangal Anand Hospital, Chembur, SL Raheja – A Fortis Associate Hospital located in Mahim, Lilavati hospital at Bandra and HN Reliance Hospital in south Mumbai.

Dr. Priyank Patel

Spine Surgeon

Dr Priyank Patel

Designer, Adventure Sports enthusiast, surgeon, physician as well as entrepreneur and social worker it appears like a panel of five people, however, it’s actually one person who has worn numerous hats throughout the course of his career. Dr. Priyank Patel is young, active, energetic and manages an army of future doctors who are changing the way medicine is taught and performed, and how it is considered. He specialises in the non-surgical and surgical treatment of disorders related to the spine, including the subspecialty of spine tumors.

Dr. Patel has done his residency in the Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj’s Spine Foundation. Additionally, he has trained internationally from highly regarded spine institutions with advanced surgical procedures, such as Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Microsurgery, Athletic Spinal Injuries and techniques to preserve motion such as the artificial replacement of the hip. Dr. Patel has treated professional athletes of his Indian National Cricket Team as well as people in the film industry, and helped them perform at their best despite injury. His expertise in his field and his surgical skills have earned him the respect of the international scene.

Dr Priyank Patel

Dr. Raghuprasad Varma

Spine Surgeon

Dr Raghuprasad Varma

Dr. Raghuprasad Varma received his initial medical training through his school, the Grant Medical College in Mumbai.

Then, he completed the MS in Orthopaedics in the Bombay Hospital, Mumbai. He is also a Diplomate of the National Board, New Delhi in the area of Orthopaedics.

His passion for spinal surgery was the reason he decided to take it on as a super-specialty since 2001. He worked as a spinal fellow, then as an associate surgeon in the Spine Clinic at Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai under the guidance of Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj.

Dr. Varma Dr. Varma is an expert spine surgeon in well-known hospitals of Mumbai such as Dr. LH Hiranandani Hospital, Fortis Hospitals, Apollo Hospital and Reliance Hospital.
Additionally, he is a guest spine surgeon at the Sudheendra Medical Hospital, kochi

He has served as faculty in various national and international forums and has numerous publications to his name .

Dr. Premik Nagad

Spine Surgeon

Dr Premik Nagad

Dr. Premik Nagad did his basic medical education and a Diploma in Orthopaedics at Bijapur, Karnataka and at Shri BM Patil Medical. Following his graduation in Orthopaedics and a doctorate, he was awarded his Diplomate from the National Board in Orthopaedics at Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences in Thiruvalla, Kerala. He began his career in 2008 when he was a part of Dr. Abhay Nene as an observer, and then he became a clinical fellow , and later an assistant spine surgeon, whose duties included coordination of surgeries and fellowships. In 2012 He became a part of the team of Dr. Bhojraj as an associate and coordinator of the Spine Foundation Fellowships.

In 2015, Dr. Nagad was appointed an independent spine surgeon in the Wockhardt Hospital and a year later, he joined Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. He is an expert consultant at the Breach Candy Trust Hospital.. Currently as a trustee for the Spine Foundation and other than his professional obligations in Mumbai and the surrounding areas, he coordinates the fellowship program and Regional Spine Care Centres all across Maharashtra and India in order to reach out to the population that is not served by spinal health.

Dr Premik Nagad

Out Top Spine Surgeon Mumbai are expertise in following Surgeries and Treatments


Frequently Asked Questions about Top Spine Surgeons in Mumbai

We Are Spine has a team of highly skilled and experienced spine surgeons who are recognized as the top spine surgeons in Mumbai. Our surgeons have extensive training and expertise in the latest techniques and advancements in spinal care.

Our team of top spine surgeons in Mumbai provides personalised care for all types of spinal conditions, including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, spinal tumors, and more.

We offer the latest advancements in spine surgery, including minimally invasive procedures, as well as non-surgical treatment options such as physical therapy, medication, and spinal injections.

Spine surgery is typically recommended when non-surgical treatments have failed to provide relief for a spinal condition. Our top spine surgeons in Mumbai will conduct a thorough evaluation and diagnosis to determine the best treatment option for your specific condition.

The recovery time for spine surgery varies depending on the type and complexity of the procedure. Our top spine surgeons in Mumbai will provide you with a personalised recovery plan to ensure that you have the best possible outcome and a smooth recovery.

Pain is a common side effect of spine surgery, but our top spine surgeons in Mumbai will provide you with pain management strategies to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during your recovery.

To schedule a consultation with one of our top spine surgeons in Mumbai, simply contact We Are Spine via phone or email, and our friendly staff will assist you in scheduling an appointment.

Patient Information

Our Approach

At The We are spine we offer the most advanced and
effective bespoke treatment packages to suit your needs


For effective pain treatment, it is imperative to diagnose the underlying condition.


Depending on the diagnosis, our first choice for treatment are rehabilitation…


We advise surgical intervention only when the risk of surgery is far lower than the risk of leaving…


We guide individuals on how to prevent first or recurrent back pain by suggesting lifestyle…

Patients’ Testimonials

Hospital Panels


Preparation before Travelling to India for Spine Surgery: What You Need to Know

Preparation before Travelling to India for Spine Surgery
Preparation before Travelling to India for Spine Surgery

Travelling to India for Spine Surgery?
Get expert advice on the pre-operative procedures, travel arrangements & aftercare instructions to ensure a successful recovery.

Regarding spine surgery, finding the right surgeon and right hospital and preparing for the procedure can make all the difference. In recent years, India has become a hub for International patients, particularly in spine surgery. The country is home to some of the best spine surgeons in the world, making it an attractive destination for those seeking specialised medical treatment. However, travelling to a foreign country for surgery can be daunting, especially when preparing for the trip. This blog will discuss the necessary Traveling to India for Spine Surgery and preparations before travelling to Mumbai for spine surgery.

Traveling to India for Spine Surgery


Research the best spine surgeon in India .


Before finalising the surgeon, it is crucial to do proper research. Finding the right spine surgeon can make all the difference in the success of the surgery. Factors to consider while choosing a spine surgeon include their experience, qualifications, and success rate. It is also essential to consider the hospital where the surgery will take place and its reputation for quality care. When researching the best spine surgeon in India, one can look for recommendations from friends or family members who have undergone a similar procedure. Another way to find a good surgeon is by reading reviews and testimonials online.


Consultation with the surgeon

Once a suitable surgeon is found, scheduling a consultation before the surgery is essential. The consultation provides an opportunity to discuss the surgery in detail, including the risks and benefits, and to clarify any doubts or questions. During the consultation, the surgeon will also evaluate the patient’s medical history and physical condition to determine if they are suitable candidates for spine surgery. Patients should come prepared with a list of questions and concerns to ensure they clearly understand what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.


Consultation with the surgeon

Pre-operative tests and procedures

The surgeon may prescribe various pre-operative tests and procedures before the surgery. These tests may include blood work, imaging tests, and electrocardiograms. The tests are necessary to determine the patient’s overall health and ensure they are fit for surgery. Patients should follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully and complete all the tests and procedures before the surgery.

Travel preparations

Travel preparations

Once the surgery is scheduled, it is essential to make travel arrangements. This includes obtaining the necessary travel documents, such as a passport and visa, booking accommodation near the hospital, and arranging transportation to and from the airport and hospital. Patients should also inform their airline and hotel of special requirements, such as wheelchair accessibility.

Pre-operative instructions

Before the surgery, the surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions that must be followed closely. These instructions may include dietary restrictions, medication changes, and specific guidelines for physical activity. Patients should follow these instructions closely to ensure they are physically and mentally prepared for the surgery.

Aftercare instructions

After the surgery, the surgeon will provide detailed aftercare instructions. These instructions will include wound care, pain management, and physical therapy information. It is essential to follow these instructions closely to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Patients should also contact their surgeons to report any complications or concerns.

Travelling to India for spine surgery can be an excellent option for those seeking quality medical care. However, preparing thoroughly before the trip is essential to ensure a successful surgery and recovery. Patients should research the best spine surgeon in India, schedule a consultation, undergo necessary pre-operative tests and procedures, make travel arrangements, follow pre-operative and aftercare instructions, and keep in touch with their surgeon for a smooth recovery. By following these guidelines, patients can rest assured that they are prepared for surgery and on the road to recovery.


Frequently Asked Questions about Preparation before Travelling to India for Spine Surgery

India has become a hub for medical tourism, particularly in spine surgery. The country is home to some of the best spine surgeons in the world, making it an attractive destination for those seeking specialised medical treatment.

To find the best spine surgeon in India, it is vital to do proper research. Factors to consider while choosing a spine surgeon include their experience, qualifications, and success rate. It is also essential to consider the hospital where the surgery will take place and its reputation for quality care.

During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate the patient’s medical history and physical condition to determine if they are suitable candidates for spine surgery. Patients should come prepared with a list of questions and concerns to ensure they clearly understand what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.

The surgeon may prescribe various pre-operative tests and procedures before the surgery. These tests may include blood work, imaging tests, and electrocardiograms. The tests are necessary to determine the patient’s overall health and ensure they are fit for surgery.

Patients should make travel arrangements, including obtaining the necessary travel documents, such as a passport and visa, booking accommodation near the hospital, and arranging transportation to and from the airport and hospital. Patients should also inform their airline and hotel of special requirements, such as wheelchair accessibility.

. Before the surgery, the surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions that must be followed closely. These instructions may include dietary restrictions, medication changes, and specific guidelines for physical activity. Patients should follow these instructions closely to ensure they are physically and mentally prepared for the surgery.

After the surgery, the surgeon will provide detailed aftercare instructions. These instructions will include wound care, pain management, and physical therapy information. It is essential to follow these instructions closely to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Patients should also contact their surgeons to report any complications or concerns.

To ensure a smooth recovery after spine surgery in India, following the aftercare instructions closely, attending all follow-up appointments, and keeping in touch with the surgeon for any concerns or complications are essential. Maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and avoiding strenuous physical activity until cleared by the surgeon.


Travelling to India for spine surgery carries some risks, including the risk of complications during travel and the potential for cultural differences that may affect the patient’s experience. However, with proper preparation and research, these risks can be minimized.

Meet Our Doctors

Patient Information

Our Approach

At The We are spine we offer the most advanced and
effective bespoke treatment packages to suit your needs


For effective pain treatment, it is imperative to diagnose the underlying condition.


Depending on the diagnosis, our first choice for treatment are rehabilitation…


We advise surgical intervention only when the risk of surgery is far lower than the risk of leaving…


We guide individuals on how to prevent first or recurrent back pain by suggesting lifestyle…

Meet Our Doctors

Dr Shekhar Bhojraj

Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj

Dr Abhay Nene

Dr. Abhay Nene

Dr Sheetal Mohite

Dr. Sheetal Mohite

Dr Raghuprasad Varma

Dr. Raghuprasad Varma

Dr Premik Nagad

Dr. Premik nagad

Dr Priyank Patel

Dr. Priyank Patel

Patients’ Testimonials

Hospital Panels